Roadshow on Antibiotic Stewarship Implementation

Aim and Timetable

In order to promote HAITool Information System and its importance in Antibiotic Stewardship implementation process, we will promot a roadshow covering the five portuguese regional administrations of health: ARS Norte, ARS Centro; ARS Lisboa e Vale do Tejo; ARS Alentejo and ARS Algarve.

ARS Norte
November 11, 2016
See the program here.

ARS Centro
December 12, 2016

Lisboa - IHMT
December 16, 2016

ARS Alentejo
December 21, 2016

Supporting Material

Video HAITooL – A problemática das infecções hospitalares e da resistência aos antibióticos(in Portuguese)

Video HAITooL - Usar a ciência e a evidência para prevenir e controlar as infecções hospitalares e a resistência aos antibióticos(in Portuguese)

Boas Práticas para a Implementação de “Antibiotic Stewardship” (in Portuguese)

Checklist for Antibiotic Prescription (in Portuguese)

Portuguese Guidelines for Antibiotic Prescription (in Portuguese)


Roadshow ARS Norte, Hospital Magalhães Lemos, Porto, November 11, 2016
Roadshow ARS Centro, Ordem dos Enfermeiros, Coimbra, December 12, 2016
Roadshow Lisboa, IHMT-UNL, December 16, 2016
Roadshow ARS Alentejo, Hospital do Litoral Alentejano, Santiago do Cacem, December 21, 2016