Portuguese Version
Global Health and Tropical Medicine research centre will host the Special GHTM Session - The Second edition of GHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Day
Next November 13, morning, the GHTM Research Centre (NOVA IHMT) will host the Second Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Day, in the scope of World Antibiotic Awareness Week. The event aim at promoting the debate of knowledge regarding the problem and the share of best-practices for antibiotic stewardship.
For the first time, this event will be streamed throughout the Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP), counting with the participation of HAITooL international partners.
Program available here:
In October, HAITooL went to Cape Verde, invited by the National Health Directorate, to begin the design science process for the development of an Antibiotic Stewardship Service (ABS).
Here we had the oportunity to perform an exploratory study addressing the Design Science Research Methodology first 2 stages: the problem and objectives setting. Policy-dialogue was established among the key-elements for the ABS implementation, including healthcare professionals from hospitals, the leadership, but also policy-makers.
The first Infection Control Team Local-group meeting, hosted by the National Telemedicine Centre, Hospital Dr. Agostinho Neto, was the project kick-off, counting with the participation of the ABS multidisciplinary team.
Professor Lapão talks about HAITooL project in an interview to SIC Notícias.
Approaching the World Antibiotic Awareness Week, HAITooL team was invited to present its work.
Check it here:
The HAITooL team thank the enthusiastic young people, future SuperScientists, that went to HAITooL stand on international event European Researchers’ Night (NEI) and played our Special Quiz
Last September 28, the researchers Mélanie Maia, André Beja and Luís Lapão had the pleasure to contact with the community in a large campaign of awareness on Antibiotic Resistance. We prepared several games and other support materials for both for our visitors, kids and grown-ups.
Stand-up, roll-ups, institutional information and play materials (triptychs, interactive games, animated films) helped disseminating the HAITooL project and results and best-practices for Antibiotic Stewardship. Approximately 200 visitors and families (from about 3 to 80 years old range) had the chance to contact the problematic and be aware, in a participatory way, of the importance of adopting evidence-based best-practices against healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance.
#Haitool #NEI2018 #GlobalAMRChallenge
HaitooL team had the opportunity of presenting our work and discuss it with visitant international researchers, in the aim of “Ninth EDCTP Forum 2018”.
The project was welcomed with interest. Researchers from different countries and contexts were looking for some answers to apply to their own realities for infection control.
The HAITooL team invite you to check its last publication: the paper "Participatory-implementation of an antibiotic stewardship programme supported by an innovative surveillance and clinical decision-support system" in Journal of Hospital Infection!
HAITooL's next international participation, with oral communication and posters:
EPH 2018: 11th European Public Health Conference “Winds of change: towards new ways of improving public health in Europe”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28 November - 1 December 2018
We will present "How to implement a global antibiotic stewardship service? Evidence translation to Cape Verde context" - assessing stewardship measures, barriers and opportunities for intervention, as a comparative to Portuguese evidence.
HAITooL in “Saúde em dia” - Canal S+ (NOS)
HAITooL team was invited to talk about Hand Hygiene (HH), celebrating the World Hand Hygiene Day (by WHO), "SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands 5 May 2018". Mélanie Maia, highlighted the importance of HH in preventing and controling healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and antibiotic resistance (AR) in the TV Show “Saúde em dia” - Canal S+ (NOS). Education, healthcare professionals participation, team-work, were marked as essential factors in implementing effective stewardship (available in Portuguese).
HAITooL attended EHMA 2018, 20-22 June, Budapest - Hungary:
HAITooL presented the co-design process overview, with its participatory approach and main outputs on the information system implementation for Antibiotic Stewardship workforce capacity strengthening.
HAITooL's team was welcomed on a visit to Regional Hospital of North Santiago. It was an excelent opportunity to collect some important data on Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship.
Check important 2018's HAITooL international attendances, with conference-paper, communications and posters:
MIE 2018, 24-26 April, Gothenburg, Sweden
Our research paper, presented in MIE 2018, highlights leadership commitment, multidisciplinary team and mainly informaticians engagement as crucial to the antibiotic stewardship implementation process:
"Implementing an Antibiotic Stewardship Information System to Improve Hospital Infection Control: A Co-Design Process”, published in IOS press: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
IFIC 2018, 25-27 April, Krakow - Poland
The team’s work on Internet-of-Things for patient safety in infection control, antibiotic stewardship information system in a co-design process and antibiotic prescription barriers was presented and welcomed with great interest.
Check here our work:
"The potential of Internet-of-Things for Patient Safety in Infection Control: using indoor-location systems to improve nurses’ hand hygiene performance" (communication abstract)
Poster 1:
"Implementing an antibiotic stewardship information system to improve prevention and control of antibiotic resistant infections: a co-design process" (abstract)
Poster 2:,
"How to improve Antibiotic prescription? Barriers and suggested antibiotic stewardship interventions in two Portuguese hospitals" (abstract)
HAITooL's team is preparing the kick-off to Cape Verde's Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation!
Different layers to HAITooL's first edition are being developed, in the scope of co-designing and implementing an Antibiotic Stewardship service through telemedicine and using innovation for the health workforce capacity strenghtening. We invite you to check some of our main work, recently published in ANAIS publication special edition on the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine's 115th anniversary.
"HAITooL: An innovative antibiotic stewardship decision-supporting system to improve antibiotic prescription effectiveness"
A global history approach was also developed to contextualize Cape Verde's intervention. Maia, M.R., and L.V. Lapão (2017) presented "The health organization in Cape Verde (1960-1980): a global history approach." in the Workshop on History of Tropical Medicine, Global Health and Tropical Medicine, Institute for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, NOVA University of Lisbon. Professor Havik (2018) highlights it in "Rethinking historical trajectories of Tropical Medicine in a global perspective":
"(...) Severely affected by drought and famine in the recent past affecting successive generations, these calamitous events led a severely weakened population to emigrate in large numbers from the mid-1960s. (...) Efforts, made with Portuguese technical support, to improve the planning of public health and sanitation services, epidemiological surveillance, legislation and raising health awareness provide clear examples of positive change. In addition, through its international partnership network, Cabo Verde strengthened the capacitation and training of the health workforce and healthcare delivery. The paper demonstrated how the introduction of new technologies including telemedicine benefited these processes and significantly increased the sharing of key knowledge through contact networking."
There is “lack of awareness” concerning to the antibiotic resistance problem! The most recent HAITooL paper contributes to the understanding of antibiotic prescription barriers, to inform and better adjust antibiotic stewardship policies.
We present the study "Fighting antibiotic resistance in Portuguese Hospitals: understanding antibiotic prescription behaviors to better design antibiotic stewardship programs”, recently published on Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance. This study was conducted in 2016, using a self-administered questionnaire. It involved physicians from 2 different regions in Portugal.
HAITooL on Special GHTM Session - First GHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Day
Last November 15, HAITooL participated on the first edition of GHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Day, for the European Antibiotic Awareness Day (ECDC). The event, hosted by Isabel Couto and Sofia Santos Costa (GHTM, IHMT-UNL), aimed at promoting the debate and sharing of knowledge regarding the problem and best-practices for antibiotic stewardship.
HAITooL's first steps in CPLP!
HAITooL attended the Second Seminar of the North Santiago Health Region, Cape Verde.
HAITooL’s methodology was presented to the healthcare professionals and academy.
HAITooL's first steps in CPLP!
Last November 9, 2017, HAITooL team organised the first Workshop on Antibiotic Stewardship in Cape Verde.
The Telemedicine National Centre hosted the event. The National Health Directorate and Hospital Agostinho Neto’s administration board welcomed it, expressing their engagement in tackling nosocomial infections and antibiotic resistance, through prevention and control. More then 50 atendees, physicians, nurses and technicians, had debated the problem within their own context.
The workshop covered hospital professionals throughout the archipelago, by real-time telemedicine transmission.
HAITooL will be presented on the 4th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control.
Work developed under the project HAITooL will be presented in the 4th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control, that will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 20-23, 2017. The accepted abstacts can be seen in the link bellow:
Antibiotic prescription: barriers and suggested antibiotic stewardship interventions in two Portuguese hospitals
Implementing Effective Antibiotic Stewardship Programs throughout a collaborative process between Healthcare Workers and Researchers
How Integrated Information Systems Can Expedite Microbiology Laboratory Work in Antibiotic Stewardship Programs.
HAITooL – Using Innovative Design Science to Collaboratively Implement an Antibiotic Stewardship Decision-Support Smart System
HAITooL was presented on the 10th Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Working Conference.
The poster entitled “HAITooL: Supporting Clinical Pharmacist’s Role on Antibiotic Stewardship through an Innovative Information System” was presented in the 10th Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Working Conference, that took place in Bled, Slovenia. February 1-4, 2017. The poster can be seen here
HAITooL in the TV Show Falar Global - CMTV
Luís V. Lapão e Pedro Póvoa presented HAITooL, in "Falar Global", a TV show of the Portuguese television CMTV, and explained who the HAITooL information system can be an allied in the reduction of antibiotic resistance rates. See here (in Portuguese).
"HAITooL aims to help decision making in Health"
"HAITooL aims to help decision making in Health" is the title of an article published by COMPUTER WORLD, where the project HAITooL is presented. See here. (In Portugese)
HAITooL presented in the Media Breakfast - Qlik
HAITooL was presented on the event Media Breakfast organized by Qlik (our technological partner) as a good example of how technology can be applied in innovation in health.
HAITooL Roadshow at ARS Alentejo
The last session of HAITooL Roadshow tooks place on ARS Alentejo, Hospital do Litoral Alentejano, Santiago do Cacém on December 21. HAITooL was presented and discussed to an audience of 20 healtcare workers. The HAITool project was highly appreciated and several hospitals became interested on HAITool implementation.
HAITooL Roadshow at Lisbon
HAITool Roadshow session in Lisbon tooks place on IHMT-UNL on December 16. All hospitals from ARS Lisboa e Vale do Tejo e ARS Algarve were invited. This session, was attended by Dr Carlos Palos, representing the national program for infection control and antibiotic resistance. The HAITool project was highly appreciated.
HAITooL Roadshow at ARS Centro
HAITool Roadshow continues to its second session that tooks place on ARS Centro, Ordem dos Enfermeiros da região Centro, Coimbra on December 12. HAITooL was presented and discussed to an audience of 15 healtcare workers from hospitals from central region of Portugal. The HAITool project was highly appreciated and several hospitals became interested on HAITool implementation.
HAITool was presented on the "Congresso Nacional de VIH, Doenças Infecciosas e Microbiologia Clínica"
The abstract entitled “The Role of Microbiology Laboratory on Antibiotic Stewardship Programs: How Integrated Information Systems Can Leverage it” was presented (as oral presentation) in the Congresso Nacional de VIH, Doenças Infecciosas e Microbiologia Clínica that took place in Coimbra, from November 30 to December 2, 2016. The abstract can be seen here
HAITooL Roadshow at ARS Norte
HAITool Roadshow started! The first session tooks place on ARS Norte, Hospital Magalhaes Lemos, Porto on November 11. HAITooL was presented and discussed to an audience of 25 healtcare workers from hospitals from north of Portugal. The HAITool project was highly appreciated and several hospitals became interested on HAITool implementation.
HAITool published movies on Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation
HAITool project published two movies about antibiotic resistance and Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation. To see the movies click in the links (in Portuguese).
Video HAITooL – A problemática das infecções hospitalares e da resistência aos antibióticos
Video HAITooL - Usar a ciência e a evidência para prevenir e controlar as infecções hospitalares e a resistência aos antibióticos
Lisbon International Seminar on Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation was noticed on "Saúde Online"
The Lisbon International Seminar on Antibiotic Stewarsdhip implementation (held in IHMT on 27 October, 2016) was noticed on "Saúde Online". See the article here. (Portuguese Version)
Lisbon International Seminar on Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation
HAITool project was presented and discussed at the Lisbon International Seminar on Antibiotic Stewarsdhip implementation, held in IHMT, on 27 October with the participation of national and international researchers and healthcare workers. Gunnar Skov Simonsen and Anne Mette Asfeldt, partners from the Microbiology and Infection Control Department of University Hospital of North Norway, presented Norway's success case on Management of Antibiotic Use and Resistance and The Role of Infection Control in Northern Norway, respectively.
Lisbon International Seminar on Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation
The HAITool team, organizes the Lisbon International Seminar on Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation, that is held in IHMT, Lisbon, on October 27. See the program here.
Best practices for Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation
The HAITool team, published "Boas Práticas para a Implementação de “Antibiotic Stewardship”", a document that intend to be a usefull document for Antibiotic Stewardship Implementation . The document can be seen here. (Portuguese Version)
Luís Velez Lapão in DN
In an article in the Portuguese newspaper DN, the project PI, Luís Lapão, talks about the importance of hand hygiene on antibiotic resistant infection control. See the article here. (Portuguese Version)
Luís Velez Lapão in “Viva Saúde” - RTP Africa
HAITool project PI, Luís Velez Lapão, talks about healthcare associated infections (HAIs) and innovation in the TV Show “Viva Saúde” - RTP Africa. Luís Velez Lapão highlighted the importance of innovation, teamwork and education on HAIs prevention and control. See TV show here (in Portuguese)
HAITool team published a paper that highlights the role of microbiology laboratory in the prevention and control of antibiotic resistant healthcare associated infections.
The paper entitled “Prevention and control of antimicrobial resistant healthcare associated infections: the Microbiology Laboratory rocks” was recently accepted for publication on Frontiers in Microbiology. This paper is a collaborative work between IHMT and the HAITool partner CHLO (Western Lisbon Hospital) and focus on the role and importance of Microbiology Laboratory in prevention and control of antibiotic resistant healthcare associated infections, Antibiotic Stewardship Programs and Infection Control Teams. The authors also highlight the challenges that the Microbiology Laboratory have to face, including the selection of analytical methods and the proper use of communication channels with other health services, that can be leverage by the use of information systems.
HAITool was presented on the “6º Seminário Prevenção e Controlo da Infecçao”, Coimbra, 2016.
The poster entitled “HAITool – A Co-Designed Surveillance and Decision-support System to Support Antibiotic Stewardship Programs in Portugal” was presented (as poster) in the 6º Seminário Prevenção e Controlo da Infecçao that took place in Coimbra, on May 17, 2016. The poster can be seen here
HAITool in Portuguese Television
HAITool project was the subject of a news report in RTP, a Portuguese television. The news report took place in Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit of Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, Pedro Póvoa and Luis Velez Lapão, explained the importance of HAITool surveillance and decision-support system in monitoring, control and prevent Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance. Check the news report here
HAITool was presented on the NOVAsaúde Workshop on Health Informatics
The abstract entitled “HAITool – a Co-Designed Surveillance and Decision-Support System to Enhance Antibiotic Stewardship Programs” was presented (as oral presentation) in the NOVAsaúde Workshop on Health Informatics that took place in Lisbon, on April 29, 2016. The abstract can be seen here
HAITool will be presented in the European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems – EMCIS 2016
The conference paper entitled “Using Design Science Research Methodology to Implement a Surveillance and Decision-Support Information System to Manage Healthcare Associated Infections and Antibiotic use in Hospitals” was selected for publication in the European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems 2016 (EMCIS 2016), that will take place in Krakow, Poland from 23 to 24 June, 2016.
HAITool will be presented in the Health – exploring complexity (HEC2016)
The conference paper entitled “Co-Design of a Computer-Assisted Medical Decision Support System to Manage Antibiotic Prescription in an ICU Ward” was selected for publication and oral presentation in the Health – exploring complexity (HEC2016) that will take place in Munich, Germany from August 28 to September 2, 2016.
HAITool in the 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
The abstract entitled “Innovating the Control and Prevention of Antibiotic Resistant Infections – a toolkit to monitor and assist antibiotic use and resistance trends” will be presented (as e-Poster) in the 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, that will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 9 to 12 April, 2016.
The abstract and the poster can be seen here.
HAITool in the 16th Congress of the International Federation of Infection Control (IFIC)
The abstract entitled “Antibiotic stewardship decision-supporting system - innovating the control and prevention of antibiotic resistant infections - a participative approach” was presented (as oral presentation) in the 16th Congress of the International Federation of Infection Control Diseases, that took place in Vienna, Austria from 16 to 19 March, 2016.
The abstract can be seen here.
HAITool has been implemented in Hospital de São Francisco Xavier-Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa and Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora
Several meetings have been taken place in other to implement (and provide additional support) HAITool Surveillance and Decision-Support System in the participant hospitals.
University Hospital of North Norway visited Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental
During their visit to Portugal, Gunnar Skov Simonsen and Anne Mette Asfeldt, also visited the Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental (HSFX-CHLO).
The visit, headed by the Coordinator of the Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit of HSFX-CHLO, Dr. Pedro Póvoa (also a HAITool team member), aimed to show has been the participation of HSFX-CHLO in the HAITool project. It also included a demonstration of the toolkit in the hospital environment.
University Hospital of North Norway visited Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora
During their visit to Portugal, Gunnar Skov Simonsen and Anne Mette Asfeldt (partners from the Microbiology and Infection Control Department of University Hospital of North Norway), visited the Hospital do Espírito Santo in Évora (HESE).
The visit, headed by the Director of HESE, Dr. Manuel Carvalho, aimed to show the reality of a Portuguese Hospital, and how has been the participation of HESE in the HAITool project. It also included workshops with the Directors of the Services, Head Nurses, Hospital Administrators and the HESE Infection Control Team, to debate the implementation of the HAITool toolkit in HESE.
Partners from University Hospital of North Norway visited Portugal
Gunnar Skov Simonsen and Anne Mette Asfeldt, partners from the Microbiology and Infection Control Department of University Hospital of North Norway visited Portugal in days 6 to 8 of January. This three days meeting included a workshop/meeting with IHMT HAITool team (in the photo) and a visit to the participant hospitals: Hospital do Espiríto Santo de Évora and Hospital de São Francisco Xavier, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa.
HAITool team collaborate in Telemedicine Training Sessions
The HAITool researchers Luis Lapão and Alexandra Simões, collaborate in the telemedicine platform "Réseau en Afrique Francophone pour la Télémédecine, RAFT”, with the topics “Good Practices for Hospital Infection Control” and “Antibiotic Stewardship Programs”.
The training sessions are available here (in Portuguese only):
Good practices for hospital infection control: http://raft.g2hp.net/pt-pt/events/boas-praticas-de-controlo-de-infeccoes-hospitalares/
Antibiotic Stewardship Programs: http://raft.g2hp.net/pt-pt/events/a-gestao-do-uso-de-antibioticos-antibiotic-stewardship-programs/
HAITool was news in a Portuguese Radio
In an interview with Portuguese Radio Renascença, the project PI, Luís Lapão, explains the initiative and how will it impact and benefit patients and health services: The HAITool is a project funded by the EEA Grants, aimed at reducing infections in hospitals through the use of an app to support the management of infection, which enables doctors’ informed decision-making process on what specific antibiotic should be administered to each hospitalized patient. The project will contribute to reduce the “antibiotic pressure in the ward“, reducing the occurrence of resistances and also hospital infections – these results can be measured by antibiotic doses, number of infections and length of patient hospitalization. See the news and the interview here (in Portuguese).
The HAITool project was mentioned in the most recent edition of “ACONTECE” the magazine of ACSS (Administração Central do Sistema de Saude).
See the article (pages 9-13) here .
Benchmarking at Switzerland
The Benchmarking at Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève, will take place on November 4 to 6, 2015. The team members Luis Velez Lapão, Alexandra Simões, Christian Lovis and other collegues will perform a benchmark analysis to enhance the key points for Surveillance System in order to ultimate the design of the toolkit adjusted to the Portuguese reality.
HAITool team member at the “Moving Antimicrobial Stewardship Forward in Special Population Settings, ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course”
“Moving Antimicrobial Stewardship Forward in Special Population Settings, ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course” is a course organized by the ESCMID Study Group for Infections in the Elderly, ESCMID Study Group for Antibiotic Policies, ESCMID PK/PD of Anti-Infectives Study Group, Annecy-Genevois Hospital Centre, and Societé de Pathologie Infectieuse de Langue Française (SPILF); that covers several topics in the antibiotic stewardship programs, such as:
• Strategies and challenges of antimicrobial stewardship in long-term care institutions;
• Clostridium difficile as an indicator of effective antimicrobial stewardship;
• The convergent lines of improved antimicrobial stewardship and implementation of science/behavioral changes;
• New technologies and tools that ensure efficiency of antimicrobial stewardship programs;
• Computerized decision support–can it replace antibiotic stewardship programs?
The Post-Doc Research Fellow Alexandra Simões will be present in this course that will take place on Ferney-Voltaire, France, on November 5 and 6, 2015.
HAITool presented at the “Primeiro Encontro Anual de Controlo de Infecção e de Resistências aos Antimicrobianos do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora (HESE)
The HAITool project was presented at the “Primeiro Encontro Anual de Controlo de Infecção e de Resistências aos Antimicrobianos do HESE, an organization of the “Grupo de Coordenação Local do Programa de Controlo de Infecção e de Resistências aos Antimicrobianos, HESE” in partnership with Institute of Tropical Hygiene and Medicine - New University of Lisbon, held in HESE on September 24, 2015. The session was attended by the team members: Luis Velez Lapão, Pedro Póvoa, Alexandra Simões, Pedro Pinto e Miguel Gil. To promote the prevention and control of hospital infection and debate antimicrobial resistance were the main topics of the session. Throughout the morning, it was also presented several research projects and results on infection control, to an audience which gathered about 60 health professionals.
IHMT publishes a practical guide for the implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Programs
IHMT produced a policy paper entitled "Practical Guide for the Implementation of Antibiotic Stewardship Programs," written by Alexandra Sofia Simões, João Gregorio, Pedro Póvoa and Luís Velez Lapão. The document, available in Portuguese and in English, aims to provide practical advice, based on evidence for the implementation of Antibiotic Stewarship Programs in Portuguese hospitals, in order to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing, contribute to better clinical outcomes and complement the national campaign: “Campanha de Precauções Básicas de Controlo de Infecção” of “Programa de Prevenção e Controlo de Infeções e Resistência aos Antimicrobianos. Antibiotic Stewardship Programs contribute to the optimization of antimicrobial therapy, ensuring their proper use (indication, dose and duration) and minimizing side effects. The adoption of these programs can reduce the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance, the costs of health care and save lives.
Benchmarking at University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø, Norway
The first Benchmarking of the HAITool Project took place at Microbiology and Infection Control Department of University Hospital of North Norway (UNN), Tromsø, Norway, from 22 to 26 of June, 2015. In this 5 days meeting, the HAITool team members Luís Velez Lapão and Alexandra Sofia Simões, from IHMT-UNL and Gunnar Skov Simonsen, Anne Mette Asfeldt and Torni Myrbakk, from UNN, performed a benchmark analysis to enhance the key points for Antibiotic Stewardship and Surveillance System implementation. The meeting schedule included:
• UNN/Helse Nord. Microbiology and Infection Control Department Presentation.
• Tour of the hospital, including visit to Microbiology Laboratory
• HAITool Project presentation
• Presentation of the UNN and Norwegian National guidelines on antimicrobial stewardship
• Presentation of the NORM - National surveillance of antimicrobial resistance
IHMT implement a project in the field of HAIs with support from Norway
IHMT and the Health System Central Administration, Ministry of Health, signed on May 14, the contract to fund of the project HAITool, under the program Public Health Initiatives/EEA Grants. The project aim to develop a toolkit for the prevention, management and control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in Portugal. The project, coordinated by Professor Luis Lapão (from IHMT), will be implemented in partnership with the University of Northern Norway.